
1963 1 skiva
This is 1963 2000 (CD)
38 Special 10 skivor
38 Special 1977 (cd)
Special Delivery 1978 (LP)
Rockn´ into the Night 1979 (LP)
Wild-Eyed Southern Boys 1980 (CD)
Special Forces 1982 (LP)
Tour de Force 1983 (LP)
Tour de Force 1983 (CD)
Strength In Numbers 1986 (CD)
Rock & Roll Strategy 1988 (LP)
Bone Against Steel 1991 (cd)
ABBA 1 skiva
Live 1986 (CD)
ACDC 21 skivor
High Voltage 1974 (CD)
T.N.T 1975 (CD)
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap 1976 (CD)
Let there be Rock 1977 (CD)
Let There Be Rock 1977 (LP)
Let There Be Rock 1977 (LP)
3 Record set 1978 (LP Tripple)
If you want Blood 1978 (LP)