
Cream 5 skivor
Disraeli Gears 1967 (LP)
Fresh Cream 1966 (LP)
Live Cream 1970 (LP)
Creedence Clearwater Revival 9 skivor
Bayou Country 1969 (LP)
Cosmo´s Factory 1970 (LP)
Creedence Clearwater Revival 1968 (LP)
Green River 1969 (LP)
Live At The Royal Albert Hall 1970 2022 (LP)
Pendulum 1970 (lp)
Willy And The Poor Boys 1969 (LP)
DAD 4 skivor
Call of the Wild 1986 (LP)
Dave Edmunds 9 skivor
DE 7 1982 (LP)
Get It 1977 (LP)
Informa´tion 1983 (LP)
Repeat When Necessary 1979 (LP)
Repeat When Necessary 1979 (LP)
Rockpile 1971 (LP)
Tracks on Wax 4 1978 (LP)
Tvangin 1981 (LP)
De Luxe Blues Band, The 1 skiva
A Street.Car Named De Luxe 1981 (LP)