
Reeperbahn 1 skiva
79 - 83 1993 (cd)
Red house painters 7 skivor
Red House Painters (Rollercoaster) 1993 (cd)
Red House Painters (Bridge) 1993 (cd)
R.E.M. 24 skivor
The Fan Club Singles Volume Two 1993 (7")
1993 Happy Holiday Hoedown Single 1993 (7")
Posies 1 skiva
Frosting on the Beater 1993 (cd)
Polygon Window 1 skiva
Surfing On Sine Waves 1993 (cd)
PJ Harvey 9 skivor
Rid Of Me 1993 (CD)
Philip Glass 6 skivor
From The Music Of David Bowie & Brian Eno – "Low" Symphony 1993 (cd)
Pet Shop Boys 12 skivor
Very / Further Listening 1992–1994 1993 (2-cd)
Penguin cafe orchestra 5 skivor
Union Cafe 1993 (cd)
Nirvana 2 skivor
In Utero 1993 (CD)
Neil Young 7 skivor
Unplugged 1993 (CD)
Morphine 3 skivor
Cure For Pain 1993 (cd)
Michael Nyman 5 skivor
The Piano 1993 (cd)
Liz Phair 1 skiva
Exile in Guyville 1993 (cd)
Little Willie John 1 skiva
The Best Of Little Willie John 1993 (cd)
Come On Feel The Lemonheads 1993 (cd)
Labradford 3 skivor
Prazision LP 1993 (cd)
Kate Bush 15 skivor
The Red Shoes 1993 (CD)