
Malicorne 4 skivor
Malicorne 1974 (lp)
Malicorne 2 1975 (LP)
Almanach 1976 (lp)
Malicorne 4 1977 (LP)
Malcolm Middleton 4 skivor
5:14 Fluoxytine Seagull Alcohol John Nicotine 2002 (CD)
Into The Woods 2005 (cd)
A Brighter Beat 2007 (cd)
Waxing Gibbous 2009 (LP)
Mahler 3 skivor
Symphony No. 1 "Titan" (Including Blumine Movement) 1994 (cd)
Symphony No. 2 "Resurrection" 1997 (cd)
Symphony No.5 1998 (cd)
Mahalia Jackson 1 skiva
Mahalia Jackson's Greatest Hits 1963 (LP)
Magnetic Fields 5 skivor
The Wayward Bus / Distant Plastic Trees 1991 (cd)
The Charm Of The Highway Strip 1994 (cd)
Holiday 1994 (cd)
69 Love Songs 1999 (3-cd)
I 2004 (cd)
Magazine 2 skivor
Real Life 1978 (LP)
Secondhand Daylight 1979 (LP)
Madvillain 1 skiva
Madvillainy 2004 (cd)