
Yazoo 1 skiva
You And Me Both 1983 (LP)
Yello 1 skiva
You Gotta Say Yes To Another Excess 1983 (LP)
Yes 1 skiva
Fragile 1971 (CD)
Yo La Tengo 4 skivor
Painful 1993 (CD)
I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One 1997 (cd)
And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out 2000 (CD)
I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass 2006 (cd)
You 2 skivor
Electric Day 1980 (cd)
Time Code 1982 (cd)
Young Marble Giants 1 skiva
Colossal Youth 1980 (cd)
Yusef Lateef 8 skivor
Before Dawn: The Music Of Yusef Lateef 1957 (cd)
Jazz Mood 1957 (cd)
Cry Tender 1959 (cd)
The Dreamer 1959 (cd)
The Fabric Of Jazz 1959 (cd)
The Three Faces Of Yusef Lateef 1960 (cd)
Eastern Sounds 1961 (cd)
The Centaur & The Phoenix 1961 (cd)
Yves Tumor 1 skiva
Safe In The Hands Of Love 2018 (2-LP)
Yvonne 1 skiva
Yvonne 1995 (LP)