
Air France 1 skiva
On Trade Winds 2006 (cd-ep)
Afghan Whigs 5 skivor
Uptown Avondale 1992 (cd-ep)
µ-ZIQ 1 skiva
In Pine Effect 1995 (cd)
Zombies 1 skiva
Odessey & Oracle 1968 (cd)
Zola Jesus 1 skiva
Stridulum II 2010 (cd)
Yusef Lateef 8 skivor
The Three Faces Of Yusef Lateef 1960 (cd)
The Fabric Of Jazz 1959 (cd)
The Dreamer 1959 (cd)
The Centaur & The Phoenix 1961 (cd)
Jazz Mood 1957 (cd)
Eastern Sounds 1961 (cd)
Cry Tender 1959 (cd)
Before Dawn: The Music Of Yusef Lateef 1957 (cd)
Young Marble Giants 1 skiva
Colossal Youth 1980 (cd)
You 2 skivor
Time Code 1982 (cd)
Electric Day 1980 (cd)
Yo La Tengo 4 skivor
Painful 1993 (CD)
I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One 1997 (cd)
I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass 2006 (cd)
And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out 2000 (CD)