
Pink Floyd 3 skivor
Animals 1977 (CD)
Pieter Nooten & Michael Brook 1 skiva
Sleeps With the Fishes 1987 (LP)
Piano Magic 1 skiva
Low Birth Weight 1999 (cd)
Phoebe Bridgers 1 skiva
Punisher 2020 (lp)
Philip Glass 6 skivor
Music In Twelve Parts - Parts 1 & 2 1976 (LP)
Glassworks 1982 (cd)
Songs From Liquid Days 1986 (LP)
Solo Piano 1989 (cd)
From The Music Of David Bowie & Brian Eno – "Low" Symphony 1993 (cd)
Glass Box (A Nonesuch Retrospective) 2008 (10-cd)
Phil Spector 1 skiva
Back To Mono (1958-1969) 1991 (4-cd)
Phil Ochs 4 skivor
All The News That's Fit To Sing 1964 (cd)
I Ain't Marching Anymore 1965 (cd)
Pleasures Of The Harbor 1967 (LP)
Chords Of Fame 1976 (2-LP)
Pharoah Sanders 1 skiva
Karma 1969 (cd)
Peter Tosh 2 skivor
Equal Rights 1977 (cd)
Bush Doctor 1978 (LP)
Peter Gabriel 4 skivor
Peter Gabriel (1) 1977 (LP)
Peter Gabriel (4) 1980 (LP)