
Pantha du Prince 1 skiva
This Bliss 2007 (cd)
Pan American 4 skivor
Pan American 1997 (cd)
360 Business / 360 Bypass 2000 (cd)
Quiet City 2004 (cd)
For Waiting, For Chasing 2006 (cd)
Palta 1 skiva
Anden Plade 2019 (12")
Pale Saints 1 skiva
The Comforts of Madness 1990 (2-LP)
Palaxy tracks 1 skiva
Cedarland 2003 (cd)
Palace Music 4 skivor
Palace Brothers 1994 (cd)
Viva Last Blues 1995 (cd)
Arise Therefore 1996 (cd)
Lost Blues And Other Songs 1997 (cd)
Revolutionary Dream 1975 (LP)
OutKast 3 skivor
ATLiens 1996 (CD)
Aquemini 1998 (CD)
Stankonia 2000 (CD)
Otis Redding 2 skivor
Otis Blue / Otis Redding Sings Soul 1965 (cd)
The Soul Album 1966 (cd)
Oscar Peterson Trio 1 skiva
Night Train 1963 (LP)
Origamibiro 1 skiva
Cracked Mirrors And Stopped Clocks 2007 (cd)