
Guided By Voices 9 skivor
Do The Collapse 1999 (cd)
Isolation Drills 2001 (cd)
Guided By Voices - Hardcore UFOs - Revelations, Epiphanies And Fast Food In The Western Hemisphere 2003 (4-cd)
Gun Club 1 skiva
Fire Of Love 1981 (cd)
Guy Clark 1 skiva
Old No. 1 1975 (cd)
Günter Schickert 1 skiva
Überfällig 1979 (LP)
Handsome Family 1 skiva
Through The Trees 1998 (cd)
Hank Williams 1 skiva
40 Greatest Hits 1978 (2-cd)
Harald Grosskopf 1 skiva
Synthesist 1980 (LP)
Harmonia 4 skivor
Musik Von Harmonia 1974 (cd)
Deluxe 1975 (cd)
Live 1974 2007 (cd)
Documents 1975 2016 (LP)
Harmonia & Eno '76 1 skiva
Tracks And Traces 1997 (cd)
HAROLD BUDD 3 skivor
Lovely thunder 1986 (LP)
La Bella Vista 2003 (cd)
Avalon Sutra/As Long As I Can Hold My Breath 2004 (2-cd)
Harold Budd / Brian Eno 2 skivor
Ambient 2: The Plateaux Of Mirror 1980 (cd)
The Pearl 1984 (cd)
Harold Budd & Cocteau Twins 1 skiva
The moon and the melodies 1986 (LP)