
legs diamond 1 skiva
Out on Bail 1984 (Promo)
Legend 2 skivor
Anthology 2002 (DCD)
Still Screaming 2003 (Promo)
Lechery 1 skiva
Violator 2007 (Promo)
Leather Nun 1 skiva
All Your Kin 2007 (CD)
LAOS 1 skiva
We Want It 1990 (CD)
Laney, Chris 1 skiva
Pure 2008 (Promo)
Lane, Lana 1 skiva
Red Planet Boulevard 2007 (Promo)
Land of Tales 1 skiva
ST 2008 (Promo)
LaBrie, James 1 skiva
Prime Cuts 2008 (CD)
L.A. Guns 5 skivor
The Ballad of Jayne 1989 (CDS)
Hollywood Vampires 1991 (CD)
Golden Bullet 2003 (CD)
Live Ammo 2004 (CD)
Cocked and Re-Loaded 2005 (CD)
Kryoburn 1 skiva
Enigmatic Existance 2005 (Promo)
Krokus 1 skiva
Headhunter 1983 (CD)
Kristy Krash Majors 1 skiva
Goodbye Rock'n'Roller 2003 (CD)
Kris Norris Project, The 1 skiva
Icons of the Illogical 2009 (CD)
Kreator 2 skivor
Extreme Aggression 1989 (CD)