
Won Mississippi 1 skiva
...Welcomes Careful Drivwrs 2003 (CD)
WORLD BELOW 2 skivor
Repulsion 2003 (CD)
Zess 1 skiva
Et in Arcadia Ego 2003 (CD)
Abramis Brama 2 skivor
Dansa Tokjävelns Vals 2004 (Promo)
Aesma Deva 2 skivor
The New Athens Ethos 2004 (CD)
Aquilon 1 skiva
Intramedia 2004 (Promo)
Arcana 1 skiva
Le Serpent Rouge 2004 (Promo)
Atomkraft 2 skivor
Total Metal - The Neat Anthology 2004 (DCD)
Aura 1 skiva
New Life 2004 (Promo)
Beehler 1 skiva
Demo 2004 (Promo)
Blackmore's Night 2 skivor
Beyond the Sunset 2004 (CD + DVD)
BLITZKRIEG 11 skivor
Absolutely Live 2004 (CD)
Bloodstained 1 skiva
Greetings from Hell 2004 (CD)
Calvin, Misha 2 skivor
Evolution II 2004 (CD)
Centurions Ghost 2 skivor
A Sign of Things to Come 2004 (CD)
Chariot 8 skivor
Behind the Wire CDS 2004 (Promo-CDS)
Early Days, Late Nights 2004 (Promo-CD)
The Warrior 2004 (CD)
What Goes Around 2004 (DCD)
Cherry Street 1 skiva
Monroe 2004 (CD)