
Behemoth 1 skiva
Zos Kia Cultus 2002 (Promo)
Before the dawn 1 skiva
Deadlight 2007 (Promo)
Beehler 1 skiva
Demo 2004 (Promo)
Bedlam 2 skivor
In Command 1973 2012 (CD)
Live in Binghampton 1974 2013 (CD)
Beck, Robin 1 skiva
Livin' on a Dream 2007 (Promo)
Battleroar 1 skiva
To Death and Beyond 2008 (Promo)
The Last Alliance 2008 (Promo)
Battleaxe 2 skivor
Burn This Town 1983 (LP)
Power from the Universe 1984 (LP)
Bathory 2 skivor
Twilight of the Gods 1991 (CD)
Blood Fire Death 1993 (CD)
Bassinvaders 1 skiva
Hellbassbeaters 2008 (Promo)
Barr 1 skiva
Skogsbo Is the Place 2008 (Promo)
Bardowell, Philip 1 skiva
In the Cut 2005 (Promo)
Barbatos 2 skivor
Rocking Metal Motherfucker 2003 (Promo)
Let's Fucking Die 2006 (Promo)
Bangalore Choir 1 skiva
On Target 2010 (CD)
Balls 1 skiva
Chameleon 2008 (CD)
Baileys Comet 1 skiva
Judgement Day 2001 (CD)