Moore, Gary | 7 skivor |
Blood of Emeralds The Very Best of Part 2 | 1999 (CD) |
Run for Cover | 1985 (CD) |
Mordred | 2 skivor |
Fool's Game | 1989 (CD) |
The Next Room | 1994 (CD ) |
Morningstar | 1 skiva |
Finnish Metal | 2005 (CD) |
Mother Mercy | 1 skiva |
Dancing with the Devil | 2003 (CD) |
Motörhead | 13 skivor |
1916 | 1991 (CD) |
Ace of Spades | 1980 (CD) |
Bad Magic | 2015 (CD) |
Bomber | 1979 (cd) |
No Sleep at All | 1998 (CD) |
Orgasmatron | 1986 (CD) |
Rock'n'Roll | 1987 (CD ) |
We Are Motörhead | 2000 (cd) |
Mournblade | 2 skivor |
Anthology Vol One | 2011 (CD) |
Mr. Big | 3 skivor |
Hey Man | 1994 (CD) |
Lean Into It | 1991 (CD) |
ST | 1989 (CD) |
MSG | 3 skivor |
Built to Destroy | 1983 (CD) |
MSG | 1991 (CD) |