
Ozric Tentacles 7 skivor
Strangeitude 1991 (LP)
Soundtrack 14 skivor
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret Of The Ooze (The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 1991 (LP)
Suckspeed 1 skiva
Slow Motion 1991 (LP)
Ultima Thule 13 skivor
Svea Hjältar 1991 (LP)
AC/DC 13 skivor
Live 1992 (Dubbel LP)
anti cimex 3 skivor
Scandinavian Jawbreaker 1992 (LP)
Bruce Springsteen 13 skivor
Human Touch 1992 (LP)
Lucky Town 1992 (LP)
Chapter VI 1992 (LP)
Count Raven 5 skivor
Destruction of the Void 1992 (Dubbel LP)
Darkthrone 6 skivor
A Blaze in the Northern Sky 1992 (LP)
Iron Maiden 18 skivor
Fear of The Dark 1992 (LP)
Jerry Reed & Chet Atkins 1 skiva
Sneakin Around 1992 (LP)
Ozzy Osbourne 7 skivor
No More Tears 1992 (LP)
Saint Vitus 15 skivor
C.O.D. 1992 (Dubbel LP)
Sleep 1 skiva
Sleep's Holy Mountain 1992 (LP)
Soundtrack 14 skivor
Lethal Weapon 3 1992 (LP)
Ultima Thule 13 skivor
För Fädernäslandet 1992 (LP)
Count Raven 5 skivor
High on Infinity 1993 (Dubbel LP)
Darkthrone 6 skivor
Under a Funeral Moon 1993 (LP)