
Motörhead 28 skivor
Iron Fist 1982 (LP)
Another Perfect Day 1983 (LP)
No Remorse 1984 (Dubbel LP)
City Kids 1985 (LP)
Orgasmatron 1986 (LP)
Rock 'n' Roll 1987 (LP)
No Sleep At All 1988 (LP)
1916 1991 (lp)
Bastards 1993 (Bild Vinyl)
Death Or Glory 1993 (LP)
Sacrifice 1995 (LP)
Overnight Sensation 1996 (LP)
Snake Bite Love 1998 (LP)
We Are Motörhead 2000 (LP)
Hammered 2002 (LP)
Inferno 2004 (Dubbel LP)
Kiss of Death 2006 (LP)
Motörizer 2008 (LP)
The Wörld Is Yours 2010 (LP)
Aftershock 2013 (LP)