
Vulcano 4 skivor
Anthropophagy 1987 (LP)
Tales From The Black Book 2004 (LP)
Live II Stockholm Stormed 2014 (LP)
Warcollapse 1 skiva
Live Intoxication 2004 (10")
Watain 5 skivor
Rabid Death's Curse 2000 (Bild Vinyl)
Casus Luciferi 2003 (Bild Vinyl)
Sworn to the Dark 2007 (Bild Vinyl dubbel)
Lawless Darkness 2010 (Dubbel LP)
Opus Diaboli 2012 (Dubbel LP)
Waylon Jennings 2 skivor
Honky Tonk Heroes LP
Good Hearted Woman 1972 (LP)
Wino 2 skivor
Adrift 2010 (LP)
Live at Roadburn 2009 2010 (LP)
Wolfbrigade 2 skivor
Progression/Regression 2001 (Bild Vinyl)
Comalive 2008 (LP)
Wolfpack 3 skivor
A New Dawn Fades 1996 (LP)
Lycanthro Punk 1998 (LP)
Allday Hell 1999 (LP)
Wolves In The Throne Room 6 skivor
Diadem of 12 Stars 2006 (Dubbel LP)
Two Hunters 2007 (Dubbel LP)