
Siw Malmkvist 8 skivor
Läs inte brevet jag skrev dej +3 1961 (EP )
Skona Mitt Hjärta +3 1963 (EP )
Sprattelgumma +3 1967 (EP )
Mamma är lik sin Mamma +1 1968 (SINGEL )
Die Deutschen Aufnahmen 1959-60 1992 (CD )
Die Deutschen Aufnahmen 1961-65 1993 (CD )
Die Deutschen Aufnahmen 1966-71 1993 (CD )
Skeeter Davis & Bobby Bare 1 skiva
A Dear John Letter +1 SINGEL
Slack Alice 1 skiva
Slack Alice 1974 (LP )
Slade 17 skivor
Alive! 1972 (CD )
Alive! 1972 (KASSETT )
Cum on feel the noize / I,m mee I,m now an thats orl 1973 (SINGEL )
Skweeze me,pleeze me / Kill,em at the hot club tonite 1973 (SINGEL )
Sladest 1973 (Cd)
Old new borrowed and blue 1974 (CD )
Slade in flame 1974 (CD )
In for a penny / Can you just imagine 1975 (SINGEL )
Nobodys fools 1976 (CD )
Gypsy roadhog / Forest full of needles 1977 (SINGEL )
Lock up your daughters / Sign the times 1981 (SINGEL )