
Dusty Springfield 2 skivor
Hits Collection 1997 (CD )
Eagles 3 skivor
Hotel California 1976 (CD)
Eddie Cochran 1 skiva
Eddie Cochran 2010 (CD )
Eddie Meduza 4 skivor
Dom Dåraktigaste Dumheterna Digitalt (Röven 2 ) 1989 (CD )
Dom Dåraktigaste Dumheterna Digitalt(Röven 1) 1989 (CD )
Harley Davidson 1995 (CD)
The Roaring Cadillacs Live 1983 (CD )
Eiliff 1 skiva
Eillif / Girlrls! 2006 (CD )
Ella Fitzegerald 1 skiva
The Immortal Voice (1918-1996) 1996 (CD )
Ella Fitzgerald 4 skivor
Ultimate 1997 (CD )
Ultimate Legends 1999 (CD )
Elliott Murphy 2 skivor
Elliott Murphy 2011 (CD )
Elton John 3 skivor
One night only the Greatest hits 2000 (CD )
Elvis Costello 38 skivor
Armed Forces 1978 (CD )
Brutal Youth 1994 (CD)
Extreme honey the vers best of the Warner Bros years 1997 (CD )
Hey Clockface 2020 (CD )
Look Now 2018 (CD )
Painted From Memory 1998 (CD )
The Best Of The First 10 Years 2007 (CD )