
SPIDER 4 skivor
Raise The Banner 1986 (Cd)
The Complete Anthology 2012 (CD)
Spinal Tap 3 skivor
Spinal Tap 1984 (CD)
Break Like The Wind 1992 (CD)
Back From The Dead 2009 (CD)
Status Quo 36 skivor
Picturesque Matchstickable Messages from the Status Quo 1968 (CD)
Spare Parts 1969 (Cd)
Ma Kelly's Greasy Spoon 1970 (Cd)
Dog Of Two Head 1971 (CD)
Piledriver 1972 (CD)
Hello! 1973 (CD)
Quo 1974 (CD)
On The Level 1975 (CD)
Blue For You 1976 (CD)
Rockin' All Over The World 1977 (CD)
If You Can't Stand The Heat... 1978 (CD)
Whatever You Want 1979 (CD)
Just Supposin' 1980 (Cd)
Never Too Late 1981 (CD)
1+9+8+2 1982 (Cd)