
Clash 17 skivor
London Calling 1979 (2LP)
Creedence Clearwater Revival 12 skivor
1968 / 1969 1978 (2LP)
David Bowie 30 skivor
Changesbowie 1990 (2LP)
Deep Purple 1 skiva
Made In Japan 1972 (2LP)
Devo 10 skivor
Now It Can Be Told, Devo At The Palace 12/9/88 1989 (2LP )
Doors 23 skivor
Absolutely Live 1976 (2LP)
The Best Of The Doors 1985 (2LP)
Waiting For The Midnight Sun 2Lp
Weird Scenes Inside The Gold Mine 1972 (2LP)
Elvis Presley 13 skivor
Aloha From Hawaii via Satellite 1973 (2LP)
Elvis Forever 1974 (2LP)
Elvis In Concert 1977 (2LP)
In Person at the International Hotel Las Vegas Nevada 1969 (2LP)
Fleetwood Mac 6 skivor
Tusk 1979 (2lp)
Guns & Roses 19 skivor
.44 Caliber Horticulture 2LP
Use Your Illusion 1 1991 (2LP)
Use Your Illusion 2 1991 (2LP)
Hardcore Superstar 1 skiva
The Party Ain´t Over Til We Say So 2011 (2LP)
Iggy Pop 36 skivor
Nuggets 2LP
Ritz Nyc 20 Jul 88 2LP