
Talking Heads 10 skivor
More Songs About Buildings And Food 1978 (LP)
Television 2 skivor
Adventure 1978 (LP)
Tonight 1 skiva
Money Thats Your Problem 1978 (7")
TRAVERS PAT 7 skivor
Heat In The Street 1978 (LP)
TRB (Tom Robinson Band) 1 skiva
Power In The Darkness 1978 (LP)
Tubes, The 2 skivor
What Du You Want From Here 1978 (LP dubbel)
UFO 8 skivor
Obsession 1978 (LP)
UGGLA MAGNUS 15 skivor
Vittring 1978 (LP)
V/A 111 skivor
Bezerk Times 1978 (LP dubbel)
Farewell To The Roxy 1978 (LP)
Heroes & Cowards 1978 (LP)
Hope & Anchor Front Row Festival 1978 (LP dubbel)
Stiffs Live 1978 (LP)
Venus And The Razorblades 2 skivor
Songs From The Sunshine Jungle 1978 (LP)
X-ray Spex 3 skivor
Identity/Let’s Submerge 1978 (7”)
Adam And The Ants 2 skivor
Dirk Wears White Sox 1979 (LP)
Adverts, the 2 skivor
Cast Of Thousands 1979 (LP)
Alternative TV 4 skivor
Live AT Rat Club ´77 1979 (LP)
Angelic Upstarts 8 skivor
Teenage Warning 1979 (LP)
attentat 13 skivor
Stila Dej Inte 1979 (7")