
Tourniquet 16 skivor
Vanishing Lessons 1994 (CD)
Vanishing Lessons 1994 (CD)
Carry the Wounded 1995 (CD-EP)
The Collected Works of Tourniquet 1996 (CD)
Crawl to China 1997 (CD)
Crawl to China 1997 (CD)
Acoustic Archives 1998 (CD)
Microscopic View of a Telescopic Realm 2000 (CD)
Where Moth and Rust Destroy 2003 (CD)
Ocular Digital 2003 (DVD)
Antiseptic Bloodbath 2012 (CD)
Gazing at Medusa 2018 (CD)
Thompson, Dale 5 skivor
Speak Into the Machine 1994 (CD)
Dale Thompson 1995 (CD)
Testimony 1998 (CD)
Acoustic Daylight 1998 (CD)
Unbridled 2002 (CD)
Theocracy 5 skivor
Theocracy 2003 (CD)
Mirror of Souls 2008 (CD)
As the World Bleeds 2011 (CD)