
Bachman Turner Overdrive 19 skivor
live!-live!-live! 1986 (lp)
head on 1975 (lp)
freeways 1977 (lp)
four wheel drive 1975 (lp)
bachman turner overdrive (1984) 1984 (lp)
BABYS THE 5 skivor
unions jacks 1980 (lp)
the babys 1977 (lp)
head first 1978 (lp)
broken hearts 1977 (lp)
BABY TUCKOO 2 skivor
force majeure 1986 (lp)
first born 1984 (lp)
BABY 2 skivor
where did all the money? 1976 (lp)
baby 1975 (lp)
Axxis 13 skivor
kingdom of the night 1989 (lp)
AXIS 1 skiva
it's a circus world 1978 (lp)
Axewitch 1 skiva
the lord of flies 1983 (lp)
Axe 3 skivor
offering 1982 (LP)
nemesis 1983 (lp)
axe 1979 (lp)
Aviator 1 skiva
aviator 1986 (lp)