
Led Zeppelin 129 skivor
II (Jap orig 3rd press w poster) 1976 (LP)
III (Jap orig 3rd press w poster) 1976 (LP)
Presence (Jap orig) 1976 (LP)
Presence (UK orig) 1976 (LP)
Presence (US orig) 1976 (LP)
same (Jap orig 4th press w poster) 1976 (LP)
The Soundtrack From The Film The Song Remains The Same (Jap original) 1976 (2LP)
The Soundtrack From The Film The Song Remains The Same (UK orig w booklet) 1976 (2LP)
Ougenweide 18 skivor
Eulenspiegel (Ger orig w insert) 1976 (LP)
Ohrenschmaus (Ger orig) 1976 (LP)
Parton, Dolly 7 skivor
All I Can Do (US orig) 1976 (LP)
Popol Vuh 12 skivor
Letzte Tage - Letzte Nächte (Ger orig) 1976 (LP)
Rainbow 3 skivor
Rising (UK orig) 1976 (LP)
Scorpions 26 skivor
Fly To The Rainbow (Jap orig) 1976 (LP)
In Trance (Jap orig) 1976 (LP)
In Trance / Speedy's Coming (Ger orig) 1976 (7")
Virgin Killer (Ger orig w insert) 1976 (LP)
Selander, Marie 1 skiva
Å Än Är Det Glädje Å Än Är Det Gråt (Swe orig w booklet) 1976 (LP)
Sensational Alex Harvey Band 49 skivor
Amos Moses / Satchel And The Scalp Hunter 1976 (7")
Boston Tea Party / Sultan's Choice 1976 (7")