
Ted Nugent 23 skivor
Shutup & Jam 2014 (CD)
Shutup & Jam 2014 (LP)
Ted Nugent & Amboy Dukes 3 skivor
Mariage on the Rocks 1970 (LP)
Call of the Wild / Tooth Fang Claw 1973 (LP Double)
Tooth Fang Claw 1974 (LP)
Tedeschi Trucks Band 5 skivor
Made Up Mind 2013 (CD)
Let Me Get By 2016 (CD)
Live From The Fox Qakland 2017 (CD Double)
Signs 2019 (CD)
Layla (Revisited) 2021 (LP Tripple)
Ten Years After 3 skivor
Undead 1968 (LP)
Rock & Roll Music to the World 1972 (LP)
Recorded Live 1973 (LP Double)
Terry Anderson 3 skivor
You Don´t Like Me CD
What Else Can Go Right 1996 (CD)
Il´l Drink To That 2000 (CD)
Textones 2 skivor
Midnight Mission 1984 (LP)
Cedar Creek 1987 (LP)
Thin Lizzy 12 skivor
Fighting 1975 (Lp)
Jailbreak 1976 (LP)