
Act III 1990 (CD)
Death 1 skiva
Leprosy 2000 (CD)
Deadists, The 1 skiva
Time Without Light 2010 (CD)
Deadhead 2 skivor
Kill Division 2006 (Promo)
Depression Tank 2009 (Promo)
Dead Eye Sleeper 1 skiva
Twilight Forests of November 2009 (Promo)
Dead Daisues, The 1 skiva
ST 2010 (CD)
Dawson, Steve 1 skiva
Pandemonium Circus 2002 (CD)
David Lee Roth 2 skivor
Crazy from the Heat 1985 (CD Maxi)
A Little Ain't Enough 1991 (CD)
David Byron Band 1 skiva
On the Rocks 2010 (CD)
David Byron 1 skiva
Lost and Found 2009 (DCD)
Dave Slave's Doomed & Disgusted 1 skiva
Satan's Nightmare 2005 (CD)
Darkness by Oath 1 skiva
Fear Yourself 2009 (Promo)
Dark Sky 1 skiva
Empty Faces 2008 (Promo)
Dark Order 2 skivor
The Violence Continuum 2005 (CD + DVD)
Cold War of the Condor 2009 (Promo)
Dark Heart 1 skiva
Shadows of the Night 1984 (LP)
Dark Black 1 skiva
The Barbarian's Hammer 2005 (CD)
DARK ANGEL 1 skiva
Darkness Descends 1998 (CD)