
Sons of Thunder 2 skivor
Metal Praise 1998 (Promo)
Load Aim Fire 2000 (CD)
Soul doctor 1 skiva
That's Live 2008 (Promo)
Painted Angel 1991 (CD)
Spaceeater 1 skiva
Merciful Angel 2007 (Promo)
spartan warrior 1 skiva
ST 1984 (LP)
Sparzanza 1 skiva
Banisher of the Night 2006 (CD)
Speedy Gonzales 1 skiva
Electric Stalker 2005 (Promo)
Spirit Web 1 skiva
Far Beyond the Visual Mind 2003 (CD)
Split Knee Loons, The 1 skiva
Loon Knee Tunes 1980 (CD)
Stage Dolls 1 skiva
Love Don't Bother Me (Edit) 1992 (CDS)
Stagefright 1 skiva
ST 2001 (CD)
Stampede Queen 1 skiva
A Night at the Cockfights 2002 (CD)
Stan Bush 1 skiva
Change the World 2017 (CD)
Starbreaker 1 skiva
Love's Dying Wish 2008 (Promo)
STARCHILD 2 skivor
Born Into Eternity 2005 (CD)
Lightning Never Strikes Twice 2019 (CD)
Starr, Jack's, Guardians of the Flame 1 skiva
Under a Savage Sky 2003 (Promo)
Statetrooper 3 skivor
She Got the Look 1985 (12")
S/T 1986 (CD)