
Sword, The 1 skiva
Gods of the Earth 2008 (Promo)
Symbel 1 skiva
We Drink-Hymns and Counsel of Anglosaxon Heathenry 2003 (CD)
Symphonity 1 skiva
Voice from the Silence 2008 (Promo)
Syron Vanes 1 skiva
Insane 2003 (CD)
Talisman 1 skiva
S/T DeLuxe Edition 1989 (CD)
TANGIER 1 skiva
Stranded 1991 (CD)
Tank 6 skivor
Crazy Horses 1982 (7")
Power of the Hunter 1982 (CD)
This Means War 1983 (cd)
Honour & Blood 1984 (LP)
S/T 1987 (CD)
Still at War 2002 (Promo CD)
Tankard 4 skivor
Zombie Attack 1986 (CD)
The Morning After 1988 (CD)
The Meaning of Life 1990 (CD)
Thirst 2008 (Promo)
Tattoo Rodeo 1 skiva
Rode Hard-Put Away Wet 1991 (CD)
Tempest 1 skiva
Another Dawn 2010 (CD)
Tempestt 1 skiva
Bring 'em On 2008 (Promo)
Templar 1 skiva
Come to the Light 2000 (CD)